The dedicated debt fighting team at the Law Office of Michael A. Ziegler feels lucky to have the jobs they do- because they get to help people to get a second chance, almost a do-over if you will. If you have an overwhelming debt that you can’t see being able to pay, our amazing team of Debt Fighters will do what they can to make your debt go away or to at least organize an affordable arrangement so that you can pay the debt off without losing all of your savings and assets.
Good, hard working people with the best intentions can get into debt. Changes in family structure such as a divorce, separation or the loss of custody or visitation rights with children; employment circumstances; mental and physical health issues; and global problems such as the coronavirus pandemic, are all common reasons that people find themselves in the financial red with no way to get out. If you are in the kind of financial trouble that you cannot pay off and that is affecting your credit, your sanity, your relationships with your family and friends, and/or your being able to answer the phone without fear of harassing debt collectors, to name just of the few very difficult components of overwhelming debt- luckily, our debt fighting team is very experienced with successfully helping previous clients to get out of debts that they could not get out from under on their own.
The sooner you contact the Tampa, FL debt lawyers at the Law Office of Michael A. Ziegler, the sooner we may be able to start helping you to find debt relief.
The following videos are not intended to be construed as legal advice in any way but have been compiled in the hopes of helping people who are in overwhelming debt to understand not only that they have options, but also to help to explain what some of these options may be.