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Category: Bankruptcy

Filing Bankruptcy During Divorce Proceedings
June 15, 2016

Individuals and spouses file for bankruptcy and divorce for numerous reasons. They could even file for divorce after filing for bankruptcy, or vice versa.

Bankruptcy Law Basics
June 10, 2016

Before considering declaring bankruptcy, you should have a basic understanding of what it means. Call Now: (727) 538-4188

Bankruptcy Lawyer Recommendations Of Google Scholar Free Online Case Research
May 2, 2016

That’s why we provide a list of consumer legal resources so that you can research cases similar to yours, and stay up to date on the latest laws.

Filing Bankruptcy During Divorce Proceedings
April 25, 2016

where the joint income is too high to qualify for bankruptcy, you may wish to file after the divorce. Call Now: (727) 538-4188

How to File for Bankruptcy
March 8, 2016

Filing for bankruptcy is never an easy decision to make. It is often a last resort for people that find themselves in dire financial situations.

Can I Keep My House If I File Bankruptcy?
March 2, 2016

An experienced bankruptcy lawyer can provide more guidance to you about the most appropriate steps to take. Call Us: (727) 538-4188.

11th Circuit Decision Broadens Rights for Florida Bankruptcy Exemptions
May 31, 2015

the 11th Circuit opined on an issue that has been hotly debated regarding Florida bankruptcy exemptions. Call us: (727) 538-4188.

How to File for Bankruptcy – Questions and Answers
December 16, 2014

Just acquiring a basic understanding on how to file for bankruptcy seems daunting. And naturally, anyone considering bankruptcy will have many questions.