Category: Bankruptcy

Florida Tort Reform Bill: A Comprehensive Analysis
March 13, 2023

In the words of Florida’s Governor, Ron Desantis, Florida’s legal system is a “hell-hole” compared to other states in the country. However, the proposed changes to the current tort system via bill HB 837 seek to change that and put an end to frivolous lawsuits and excessive litigation.  Proponents of the bill believe these changes will make Florida’s legal system more balanced, fair, and transparent. At the same time, opponents fear that it could limit access to justice for individuals who have suffered harm just to thwart a few bad actors, which may not be worth it.  Continue reading to… Read More

How Does Bankruptcy Affect Future or Current Employment?
January 25, 2023

Declaring bankruptcy can affect your finances, emotions, reputation, and, potentially, your employment. It’s illegal for an employer to terminate or refuse to hire you due to bankruptcy filings. However, they can consider your credit score and credit report in many cases when making hiring decisions. That’s especially true for certain occupations like lawyers, financial professionals, and roles requiring security clearances. Whether you are about to file bankruptcy or are currently in the bankruptcy process, it’s essential to understand what your current or future employers can consider regarding your employment. This article discusses the following: Will I Lose My Job Due… Read More

How to Fix My Credit Score After Bankruptcy
January 17, 2023

Are you thinking about declaring bankruptcy or already in the process? If so, it’s vital to understand how a successful bankruptcy petition can affect your credit score and your financial future. For starters, bankruptcy can significantly impact your credit score, and it may be difficult to obtain credit or loans in the future.  However, bankruptcy can also provide much-needed debt relief and a fresh financial start. In addition to bankruptcy protection, other debt-relief options are possible, like a debt consolidation loan, debt negotiation, debt settlement, and debt collection lawsuit defense.  These debt relief options can help you to repay debts… Read More

Am I Eligible to File For Bankruptcy?
January 9, 2023

Are you overwhelmed with seemingly endless debt? You’re not alone. According to the American Bankruptcy Institute, year-over-year bankruptcy filings are on the rise across the U.S.  If you owe money you can’t afford to pay back, it may be in your best interest to consider different debt relief options, like a credit counseling course, debt consolidation, debt repayment plan, debt settlement, or even initiating bankruptcy proceedings. This article will focus on everything you need to know about eligibility for declaring bankruptcy. Continue reading to learn: What is Bankruptcy? What Are the Most Common Types of Bankruptcy What is Chapter 7… Read More

Passing the Chapter 7 Means Test Most Effective Tips?
November 28, 2022

Have your debts pilled up so much that it would take most, if not all, of your current monthly income to cover them? If so, it may be in your best interest to consider Chapter 7 bankruptcy to discharge eligible debts. However, before filing for bankruptcy under this chapter, a consumer must pass the means test to determine if they qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Generally, the means test investigates a few important factors to determine whether filers (i.e., debtors) can pay back some of their debts and if they are eligible to file. These factors include your annualized monthly… Read More

How to wipe out medical debt?
October 28, 2022

An estimated 41% of Americans have some form of unpaid medical debt. Further, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) reported there was $88 billion in medical debt on the credit records of consumers. However, a recent study from Stanford University suggests that it might be much worse (at least $140 billion). With that in mind, millions of U.S. citizens face medical collections activities and negative information on their credit reports due to an inability to pay medical bills. At Ziegler Diamond Law, our debt relief lawyers understand the devastating financial impact a medical bill could have on your credit score,… Read More

Can I Keep My Disability Payments if I Declare Bankruptcy in Florida?
February 1, 2022

If you are considering filing for bankruptcy and are receiving disability benefits, no doubt one of your biggest questions is whether or not your disability payments will be protected. Normally, you will be able to keep them. They will be protected from the bankruptcy trustee, but all are not treated the same. There are basically three types of disability benefits: Social Security Veterans Private The Three Categories In a Chapter 7 dissolution bankruptcy, assets that are not exempt may be sold by the bankruptcy trustee for the sake of creditors. In a Chapter 13 reorganization bankruptcy, the trustee cannot sell… Read More

Can I Rent an Apartment After Filing for Bankruptcy?
January 10, 2022

If you are thinking of filing for a consumer Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you probably have a lot of questions. One of the most important for many people is whether or not they will be able to rent an apartment after filing for bankruptcy. The reality is that it is often (though not always) more difficult to rent after bankruptcy. After all, the bankruptcy may stay on your credit report for seven to 10 years. But it is certainly not impossible and in some cases may even be easier than it would have been before your bankruptcy. This is because you… Read More

Don’t Let a Florida Lookback Period Mistake Derail Your Bankruptcy
December 15, 2021

If you are considering either a Chapter 7 (liquidation) bankruptcy or a Chapter 13 (restructuring) bankruptcy, you should be aware of the impact of lookback periods. Bankruptcies are federal actions but they are governed by both federal and state law. A bankruptcy lookback period in Florida is no different. A lookback period is a range of time in which the bankruptcy court or trustee can look back over your finances and transactions in order to make decisions that will impact your bankruptcy. They vary in time according to the situation and factors involved. If you performed a transaction that is… Read More

Bankruptcy, 401k and You: How Bankruptcy May Affect Your 401k Retirement Savings
November 2, 2021

One of the primary concerns most individuals have about declaring bankruptcy is what they could lose.  Often clients ask if their 401k’s will go to creditors if they declare bankruptcy. If you live in Florida, your 401k is protected in two different ways. In fact, if you file for either Chapter 7 (a dissolution) or Chapter 13 bankruptcy (a reorganization), in most cases your retirement plan money will be safe from your creditors. Individual Bankruptcy Background Before we get into whether or not you can declare bankruptcy and still keep your 401k, let’s review the basics. When you declare bankruptcy,… Read More