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Category: Bankruptcy

How Long Does a Bankruptcy Stay on Your Credit Report?
July 12, 2024

Bankruptcy isn’t an easy process. It will certainly have an impact on your credit report. However with proper planning and disciplined execution, bankruptcy can offer you fresh start. One of the main drawbacks is the long-term effects it can have on your credit history. In this article we’ll explore answers to the following questions: How long does a bankruptcy stay on your credit report? Why does bankruptcy stay on credit report for so long? How to rebuild your credit post-bankruptcy? If you’re considering bankruptcy, you’re not alone. The debt attorneys at Ziegler Diamond Law are here to help walk you
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Unpacking the Truth: Can I File Bankruptcy on Student Loans?
May 30, 2024

With more than 43 million Americans holding student loan debt, it’s safe to say that we’re in a national crisis. Ten of millions of borrowers feel like they’re trapped and have no way to escape the quagmire of debt. When the typical repayment options fail, many wonder, “Can you file bankruptcy on student loans”? Unfortunately, the best answer to that question is, “maybe.” That’s because U.S. bankruptcy laws make it extremely difficult (if not impossible) to discharge student loans. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your debt obligations, there are many potential debt relief options available to you. Contact us today
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Bankruptcy Trustee Investigations: What You Should Know
May 22, 2024

Bankruptcy can be a stressful, complex and drawn out process that includes many vital actors: at the heart lies the bankruptcy trustee. This individual plays an essential role in the most critical phases of bankruptcy. As such, their actions or inactions can greatly influence the outcome of your case. In this article, we’ll discuss the ins and outs of a trustee, including the role of bankruptcy trustee in investigations, the differences in this respect between some bankruptcy chapters and what their work means for your case. The Role of a Bankruptcy Trustee Understanding what a bankruptcy trustee does can help
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Discover the Truth: Facts About Bankruptcy
May 15, 2024

People file bankruptcy for all sorts of reasons. However, many stop short of filing due to misconceptions about the process. In this article we’ll debunk some of the most common bankruptcy myths and highlight real interesting facts about bankruptcy. By the time you’re finished reading you should have more clarity and a better understanding before making this significant financial decision in your life. If you’re considering Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy but aren’t sure if it’s right for you, we’re here to help. Contact us today to speak with a top rated bankruptcy lawyer in Florida about the details
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A Closer Look: Can You File Bankruptcy on Child Support?
May 8, 2024

If you’re thinking about filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, it’s absolutely essential to understand the relationship between filing for bankruptcy and child support obligations. While filing bankruptcy (specifically Chapter 13) won’t help you discharge child support payments that are past-due, it can potentially help you get caught up. Continue reading to learn more about how child support is treated amidst bankruptcy proceedings (including how it affects arrears and ongoing payments), the differences between the chapters in this context as well as what you should know about the legal implications. How Does Bankruptcy Affect Child Support The Status of
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Explained Pros and Cons of Bankruptcy Chapter 13
April 25, 2024

Chapter 13 offers a unique opportunity to repay and even reduce some of your debts via a reorganization plan – Which can be an absolute lifeline if you’re drowning in bills, missed payments and debt collection efforts. Generally, this bankruptcy chapter is an alternative to Chapter 7 that focuses more so on debt repayment in lieu of asset liquidation. In this article we’ll explore the inner workings of Chapter 13, including what it is, how it works, pros, cons and more. If you have additional questions about filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy or about the benefits of bankruptcy chapter 13, we’re
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What You Need to Know if You Have Been Sued in a Bankruptcy Adversary Proceeding
September 11, 2023

Imagine receiving a summons for a bankruptcy adversary proceeding. Your heart races, and a flurry of questions fill your mind. What does this mean? Why am I being sued? How do I respond? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. This post will guide you through the critical aspects of bankruptcy adversary proceedings, from understanding the roles of the plaintiff and defendant to exploring common reasons for being sued, and finally, delving into strategies for defending yourself and the role of legal representation. Key Takeaways Adversary proceedings in bankruptcy are separate lawsuits with distinct roles for the plaintiff and defendant. Common
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How to File Business Bankruptcy in 2023: A Guide for Small Business Owners
July 31, 2023

Facing financial difficulties is a challenge that many small businesses inevitably encounter. Navigating the labyrinth of bankruptcy law can be daunting, but understanding the options and processes, such as how to file business bankruptcy, can empower you to take control of your financial future. Short Summary Understand the different types of bankruptcy available and assess your financial situation. Consult a business bankruptcy lawyer to understand risks, prepare documents, and navigate the process. Rebuild credit post-bankruptcy through responsible use of credit and effective management strategies. Understanding Business Bankruptcy Options When financial hardship hits, it’s essential to understand the options available. Business
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Florida Tort Reform Bill: A Comprehensive Analysis
March 13, 2023

In the words of Florida’s Governor, Ron Desantis, Florida’s legal system is a “hell-hole” compared to other states in the country. However, the proposed changes to the current tort system via bill HB 837 seek to change that and put an end to frivolous lawsuits and excessive litigation.  Proponents of the bill believe these changes will make Florida’s legal system more balanced, fair, and transparent. At the same time, opponents fear that it could limit access to justice for individuals who have suffered harm just to thwart a few bad actors, which may not be worth it.  Continue reading to
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How Does Bankruptcy Affect Future or Current Employment?
January 25, 2023

Declaring bankruptcy can affect your finances, emotions, reputation, and, potentially, your employment. It’s illegal for an employer to terminate or refuse to hire you due to bankruptcy filings. However, they can consider your credit score and credit report in many cases when making hiring decisions. That’s especially true for certain occupations like lawyers, financial professionals, and roles requiring security clearances. Whether you are about to file bankruptcy or are currently in the bankruptcy process, it’s essential to understand what your current or future employers can consider regarding your employment. This article discusses the following: Will I Lose My Job Due
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