

How Filling for Bankruptcy Affects your Home?
August 29, 2016

Most people’s prime concern when filing for bankruptcy is buying a home, or how the bankruptcy will affect your current home.

Lies your Debt Collector will Tell You
August 22, 2016

Debt collection agencies have one goal in mind- to collect the debt that is owed by any means possible. Call Us: (727) 538-4188.

Buying a Home with Poor Credit
August 15, 2016

Poor credit can have an impact, but there are steps you can take to try and beat the barriers created by bad credit. Call Us: (727) 538-4188.

Ziegler Law Firm Shares Debts not Covered by Bankruptcy
August 8, 2016

We know that debts will be resolved to some extent by declaring bankruptcy, but bankruptcy doesn’t handle everything.Call Us: (727) 538-4188.

How to Handle Phone Calls from the IRS
July 25, 2016

As local foreclosure lawyers, bankruptcy lawyers, and debt litigation lawyer, Call Now For a Free Case Evaluation Clearwater: (727) 538-4188.

How To Improve Credit Report
July 13, 2016

There are steps you can take to improve your credit report. As your Clearwater debt collection defense attorney, we at the Law Office of Michael A. Ziegler want to give you the information to get back on track and start rebuilding your credit. When your credit report is bad, you can suffer lifelong consequences. Most people have experienced debt or financial difficulty in their lifetime, and don’t know how to start over. The first step is to stay informed. Knowledge gives you power, and knowing where you stand and what you owe will give you the ability to fix it. Good Credit… Read More

Advice From a Bankruptcy Attorney Clearwater FL – Starting Over
July 12, 2016

Starting over from bankruptcy may sound difficult at first, but with proper financial planning and money manage, you can get back on your feet in no time.

Clearwater Bankruptcy Attorney on Debt Collection Harassment
June 20, 2016

At the law office of Michael A. Ziegler, we are experienced in handling debt collection harassment. Call Us: (727) 538-4188.

Bankruptcy Lawyer St. Petersburg is Calling Out Debt Harassment
June 20, 2016

If you are less concerned with the calls to your cell phone, and more frustrated with the nature of the calls. Call Us: (727) 538-4188.

Filing Bankruptcy During Divorce Proceedings
June 15, 2016

Individuals and spouses file for bankruptcy and divorce for numerous reasons. They could even file for divorce after filing for bankruptcy, or vice versa.