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Florida Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure as a Foreclosure Defense

If you’re facing foreclosure in Florida, it can be a stressful and overwhelming experience for you and your loved ones. The state’s foreclosure process is notoriously complex, and if you’ve fallen behind on mortgage payments, it can feel nearly impossible to catch up – But, you have options. Depending on the circumstances of your case, using a lesser-known legal strategy, called a “deed in lieu of foreclosure” may provide a solid defense against losing your home. Continue reading to learn the ins and outs of the deed in lieu process in Florida, including requirements, benefits, and the best ways to… Read More

Unpacking the Truth: Can I File Bankruptcy on Student Loans?

With more than 43 million Americans holding student loan debt, it’s safe to say that we’re in a national crisis. Ten of millions of borrowers feel like they’re trapped and have no way to escape the quagmire of debt. When the typical repayment options fail, many wonder, “Can you file bankruptcy on student loans”? Unfortunately, the best answer to that question is, “maybe.” That’s because U.S. bankruptcy laws make it extremely difficult (if not impossible) to discharge student loans. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your debt obligations, there are many potential debt relief options available to you. Contact us today… Read More

Bankruptcy Trustee Investigations: What You Should Know

Bankruptcy can be a stressful, complex and drawn out process that includes many vital actors: at the heart lies the bankruptcy trustee. This individual plays an essential role in the most critical phases of bankruptcy. As such, their actions or inactions can greatly influence the outcome of your case. In this article, we’ll discuss the ins and outs of a trustee, including the role of bankruptcy trustee in investigations, the differences in this respect between some bankruptcy chapters and what their work means for your case. The Role of a Bankruptcy Trustee Understanding what a bankruptcy trustee does can help… Read More

Discover the Truth: Facts About Bankruptcy

People file bankruptcy for all sorts of reasons. However, many stop short of filing due to misconceptions about the process. In this article we’ll debunk some of the most common bankruptcy myths and highlight real interesting facts about bankruptcy. By the time you’re finished reading you should have more clarity and a better understanding before making this significant financial decision in your life. If you’re considering Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy but aren’t sure if it’s right for you, we’re here to help. Contact us today to speak with a top rated bankruptcy lawyer in Florida about the details… Read More

A Closer Look: Can You File Bankruptcy on Child Support?

If you’re thinking about filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, it’s absolutely essential to understand the relationship between filing for bankruptcy and child support obligations. While filing bankruptcy (specifically Chapter 13) won’t help you discharge child support payments that are past-due, it can potentially help you get caught up. Continue reading to learn more about how child support is treated amidst bankruptcy proceedings (including how it affects arrears and ongoing payments), the differences between the chapters in this context as well as what you should know about the legal implications. How Does Bankruptcy Affect Child Support The Status of… Read More

Explained Pros and Cons of Bankruptcy Chapter 13

Chapter 13 offers a unique opportunity to repay and even reduce some of your debts via a reorganization plan – Which can be an absolute lifeline if you’re drowning in bills, missed payments and debt collection efforts. Generally, this bankruptcy chapter is an alternative to Chapter 7 that focuses more so on debt repayment in lieu of asset liquidation. In this article we’ll explore the inner workings of Chapter 13, including what it is, how it works, pros, cons and more. If you have additional questions about filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy or about the benefits of bankruptcy chapter 13, we’re… Read More

Short Sales in Florida Demystified: Legal Overview

If you’re a homeowner facing financial hardships that make it impossible to make your mortgage payments, you may want to consider a short sale. Generally, this involves selling your property for less than you owe on your mortgage with your lender agreeing to accept it as full payment. While this is typically a more favorable route than going through the foreclosure process, navigating the ins and outs of short selling usually requires the expertise of a seasoned legal professional. At Ziegler Diamond Law, our Florida short sale lawyers are here to help you understand the legal and financial implications involved,… Read More

What You Need to Know if You Have Been Sued in a Bankruptcy Adversary Proceeding

Imagine receiving a summons for a bankruptcy adversary proceeding. Your heart races, and a flurry of questions fill your mind. What does this mean? Why am I being sued? How do I respond? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. This post will guide you through the critical aspects of bankruptcy adversary proceedings, from understanding the roles of the plaintiff and defendant to exploring common reasons for being sued, and finally, delving into strategies for defending yourself and the role of legal representation. Key Takeaways Adversary proceedings in bankruptcy are separate lawsuits with distinct roles for the plaintiff and defendant. Common… Read More

2023 Florida Car Accident Statistics

Florida has long been known as a hotbed for accidents. That includes car accidents, motorcycle collisions, truck accidents, and more. But, are you curious about the statictics behind the reputation? In this guide, we’ll explore preliminary data on Florida’s car accident statistics for the first half of 2023. Get started now. Most Common Types of Traffic Crashes in Florida Here is a breakdown of the data for the entire state of Florida from January 1, 2023, to July 6, 2023 :   Types of Traffic Accidents Total Numbers All Crashes 196,355 Fatalities From All Crashes 1,688 Injuries from All Crashes… Read More

How to File Business Bankruptcy in 2023: A Guide for Small Business Owners

Facing financial difficulties is a challenge that many small businesses inevitably encounter. Navigating the labyrinth of bankruptcy law can be daunting, but understanding the options and processes, such as how to file business bankruptcy, can empower you to take control of your financial future. Short Summary Understand the different types of bankruptcy available and assess your financial situation. Consult a business bankruptcy lawyer to understand risks, prepare documents, and navigate the process. Rebuild credit post-bankruptcy through responsible use of credit and effective management strategies. Understanding Business Bankruptcy Options When financial hardship hits, it’s essential to understand the options available. Business… Read More