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Florida Tort Reform Bill: A Comprehensive Analysis

In the words of Florida’s Governor, Ron Desantis, Florida’s legal system is a “hell-hole” compared to other states in the country. However, the proposed changes to the current tort system via bill HB 837 seek to change that and put an end to frivolous lawsuits and excessive litigation.  Proponents of the bill believe these changes will make Florida’s legal system more balanced, fair, and transparent. At the same time, opponents fear that it could limit access to justice for individuals who have suffered harm just to thwart a few bad actors, which may not be worth it.  Continue reading to… Read More

5 Most Common Types of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can cause serious injuries and even death to those involved. In fact, the most recent large truck and bus crash facts published by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) suggest that there are roughly 4 to 5,000 fatal truck/bus accidents every year. Generally, the five most common types of trucking accidents include:  Rear-End Collisions Rollover Accidents Jackknife Accidents Truck Underride Accidents Wide-turn Accidents At Ziegler Diamond Law, our truck accident lawyers have seen firsthand the devastating effects these accidents can have on victims and their families. If you or your loved one has suffered significant injuries resulting… Read More

Responsibility for Injuries in a Rideshare Accident

Rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft have become increasingly popular in recent years, but with more cars on the road come more accidents. When it comes to accidents involving rideshare drivers, determining liability can be complex. Generally, a rideshare accident lawsuit or personal injury case requires a different process and understanding of the law than a regular car accident.  It‘s crucial for those involved in rideshare accidents with an Uber or Lyft Driver to understand their rights and seek the help of an experienced attorney to determine liability and pursue compensation. At Ziegler Diamond Law, our experienced Florida rideshare accident… Read More

How Does Bankruptcy Affect Future or Current Employment?

Declaring bankruptcy can affect your finances, emotions, reputation, and, potentially, your employment. It’s illegal for an employer to terminate or refuse to hire you due to bankruptcy filings. However, they can consider your credit score and credit report in many cases when making hiring decisions. That’s especially true for certain occupations like lawyers, financial professionals, and roles requiring security clearances. Whether you are about to file bankruptcy or are currently in the bankruptcy process, it’s essential to understand what your current or future employers can consider regarding your employment. This article discusses the following: Will I Lose My Job Due… Read More

Am I Eligible to File For Bankruptcy?

Are you overwhelmed with seemingly endless debt? You’re not alone. According to the American Bankruptcy Institute, year-over-year bankruptcy filings are on the rise across the U.S. If you owe money you can’t afford to pay back, it may be in your best interest to consider different debt relief options, like a credit counseling course, debt consolidation, debt repayment plan, debt settlement, or even initiating bankruptcy proceedings. This article will focus on everything you need to know about eligibility for declaring bankruptcy. Continue reading to learn: What is Bankruptcy? What Are the Most Common Types of Bankruptcy What is Chapter 7… Read More

The Dangers of Identity Theft

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), recent increases in criminal identity theft and identity fraud have resulted in more identities stolen than ever before. The financial consequences of identity theft can be devastating, but they aren’t the only dangers to worry about.  When an identity thief secures your personally identifiable information, it could result in significant harm to your bank and investment accounts and so much more. That includes damage to your career, reputation, credit reports, and even criminal charges.  This article contains valuable tips, information, and steps to prevent, identify, and handle personal data breaches. Continue reading to… Read More

FCRA Claims – Identity Theft

Did you know that every year, 1 in 20 Americans are victims of offline and online identity theft? That accounts for billions of stolen money and countless ruined credit reports. Generally, the most common types of identity theft include, but are not limited to: Unauthorized use of debit or credit cards Criminals opening new credit accounts in your name Account takeovers of Government, identification, job, or tax fraud Whether you’ve just received an initial fraud alert or you’ve noticed fraudulent activity on your credit report, the result of identity theft (that’s not handled correctly) can be complete financial devastation. That… Read More

How To Get Health Care If You Don’t Have Medical Insurance

If you’re an uninsured person who’s behind on payments or unable to cover any cost associated with your healthcare, you’re not alone. Despite more than 90 percent of Americans having some form of healthcare coverage, a recent analysis of medical debt in the U.S. suggests that 1 in 10 American adults owe medical debt. According to the research, lack of adequate insurance coverage is a major reason why there is so much unpaid medical debt. In most cases, patients would gladly pay for medical services, but they don’t have the money to pay out of pocket. That’s especially true of… Read More

Passing the Chapter 7 Means Test Most Effective Tips?

Have your debts pilled up so much that it would take most, if not all, of your current monthly income to cover them? If so, it may be in your best interest to consider Chapter 7 bankruptcy to discharge eligible debts. However, before filing for bankruptcy under this chapter, a consumer must pass the means test to determine if they qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Generally, the means test investigates a few important factors to determine whether filers (i.e., debtors) can pay back some of their debts and if they are eligible to file. These factors include your annualized monthly… Read More

Workplace Accidents: What should I do if I am injured at work?

Millions of workplace accidents happen every year from the office to the construction site. If you’ve suffered a work-related injury, it’s in your best interest to know your state’s (in this case, Florida) workers’ compensation process, requirements, and the benefits to which injured workers are entitled. Depending on the facts of your case, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits available to injured employees. Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about workplace injuries and workers comp claims. What is a Workers’ Compensation Claim? A successful workers’ compensation claim provides injured workers with compensation (i.e., workers’ compensation… Read More