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How Should Your Kids Hold Real Property Upon Your Death?

Bankruptcy Lawyer So you’ve made the decision to do your estate planning. Great! One of the most important decisions you’ll make is how to pass on your home and other real property. In addition to determining how you will pass your home (by will, beneficiary deed, or trust), you will need to determine how your children will jointly own the home. There are two options to choose from, which will be designated in your will, beneficiary deed, or trust: (1) Tenants in Common or (2) Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivorship. Let’s discuss these two options.  Tenants in Common Tenants
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Do You Need Asset Protection From Lawsuits?

Bankruptcy Lawyer If you are working on your estate plan, have you thought about an asset protection trust? At first, you may wonder why you need an asset protection trust instead of a typical or standard trust. The answer may be in your likelihood of facing a lawsuit. Even if you do everything for your business by the book, it does not mean that you will never have a lawsuit. If you do have this as a risk, you may want to think about asset protection trusts. Of course, depending on your industry, you may not realize the risk of
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Foreclosure in Florida During COVID-19

Foreclosure can be very stressful, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic. Get expert advise on how to turn your foreclosure case around from our lawyers.

Debt Collection During Coronavirus

COVID-19 has affected businesses and individuals alike. To know more how this would affect your and your stimulus check, be sure to read our article.

5 Steps to Handling a Portfolio Recovery Lawsuit

If you are receiving collection notices from Portfolio Recovery Associates (or “PRA”), you may be wondering who they are.  You probably never took a loan out from PRA, and you may hardly recognize the debt they claim you owe.

What is a Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure?

Deed-in-lieu can be a useful option, especially when strapped for cash. Bankruptcy Lawyers in Florida can help navigate through the complications.

Congratulations To Our 2019 Scholarship Winner!

The Law Office of Michael A. Ziegler Debt Fighters is pleased to announce the winner of the Financial Planning Scholarship to Elizabeth DeFazio!

What Happens to Your Credit Cards After Bankruptcy?

There are a lot of aspects to consider when filing for bankruptcy. A debt collection lawyer in Tampa, FL can ensure you know what to expect. Call us today about your case.

Medical Bills and Your Credit Score

Credit scores are affected by many different things. If you find yourself in debt, a debt collection lawyer in Tampa, FL can help you through it. Call today.

The Role Debt Plays in Poverty

If you or someone you know is struggling financially, a debt harassment lawyer in Tampa, FL may be able to help. Call Ziegler Diamond Law: Debt Fightersï»ż today.