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You are probably tired of hearing about the importance of checking your credit score regularly. But an ostrich with their head in the sand is an easy target for lions, and if you are not regularly checking your credit reports, you may fall prey to increasingly worse financial difficulties. What Is a Credit Score? A credit score is a number used to convey how likely you are to repay lenders or become delinquent. Usually people are talking about a FICO score (developed by Fair Isaac Corporation), but there are other measurements. The big three credit agencies all use FICO scores… Read More
We are near the end of the financial year for individuals, and it’s time to bite the bullet and review your personal finances. You should be checking and organizing your finances on a monthly basis, and your year-end financial review should be based on these monthly check-ins. But there are certain aspects you want to carefully review before the year-ends to see the big picture: where you are, where you want to be and what changes you need to make. Let’s face it, not everyone carefully takes stock of their finances every month. If you are in debt, you may… Read More
In Kelly Ann Smith’s Article, How to Untangle Joint Credit Card Debt in Divorce, she does a great job of identifying the fundamentals of how debt is divided in a divorce. In a nutshell, the divorce judge will assign who is responsible to pay for which balances. The tough part is that the way that the divorce judge carves up the pie does not change who is signed to the loans. So if the divorce judge says, for example, that former husband is supposed to pay former wife’s Amex card, but that doesn’t happen, then Amex could still sue and… Read More
The pandemic has forced companies to change the way they operate. Because of the lockdown, they have had to lean on remote workers to survive. As a result, many workers have lost their jobs and faced difficulties. Due to the high demand for tech professionals, gaining these skills could help you in the future. To remain competitive, many people have begun to learn tech skills. However, moving in the right direction might be hard if you don’t know where to start. If you’re jobless and struggling to find work, these tips will help you tackle unemployment amid Covid-19. You’ll get… Read More
In July, 2020, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau published a quarterly report on Recent Trends in Debt Settlement and Credit Counseling. The report comes from work undertaken by the Bureau to highlight developments for customers who are no longer able to handle their unsecured loans. Debt settlements rose dramatically during the Great Recession into a peak of $11.4 billion. Over half of those settlements occurred within a year of the accounts becoming delinquent. Debt settlement and credit counseling became less common after that recession, but recently settlements have been rising after changes in delinquencies and charge hindrance. Nearly one in thirteen… Read More
While you were stuck at home, debt collectors saw fish in a barrel to collect on past due balances While so many consumers and small businesses are fighting tooth and nail to stay afloat, a survey from Prodigal Technologies, Inc, indicates that more than half of Debt Collectors outperformed their pre-COVID metrics. Prodigal’s press release on their survey attributes several factors to the uptrend, but one factor in particular for successful debt collection firms was that they were better able to track borrowers while consumers were stuck at home with Safer-at-Home orders. This data should be an important point for… Read More
Bankruptcy Lawyer I was reminded today how powerful it is in shifting your perspective to be thankful. In times when things are tough or physical ailments are lingering, listing things you are thankful for can propel you forward. Recognizing and acknowledging times that you are thankful and grateful for now gives you something positive to focus on. Remembering and recounting times that you were thankful for in the past allows you to see the blessings and good things that have occurred in your life. In times of stress and panic, remembering five things you are thankful for can change your… Read More
Post COVID Bill Shock OK, so COVID hasn’t gone away, but the world has largely come out of our fox holes for better or worse. And as the world looks more like it did before the COVID tidal wave, many consumers are now reviewing their bank and credit card statements to figure out what financial recovery looks like for them. But they aren’t alone. Big businesses across the nations are starting the hit the reality of the impact of COVID on the their finances. Big Business Bankruptcy In recent weeks, a number of larger businesses have looked to bankruptcy. Some… Read More
Uncertainty looms during the COVID-19 pandemic. The economy has seen better days and the need for financial relief is skyrocketing.
Defend Collection from Midland Funding LLC If you have received a Notice from Midland Funding LLC, or if they have appeared on your credit report, do not ignore it! Use the below information and helpful tips in order to navigate how to deal with their collection efforts. Who is Midland Funding LLC? Midland Funding LLC is one of the largest debt buyers in the nation. If the following apply to your account, it may be purchased by Midland Funding: (1) At least 180 days have passed without payment; OR (2) Less than the minimum due has been paid for the… Read More