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What To Do When Contemplating Divorce

May 14, 2017

Preparing for an impending divorce is an important step before initiating the divorce process. The more information you have, the better prepared you are for the long and arduous road ahead. People generally do not know much about divorce. In starting the divorce process, they don’t have a clue what it long term actually means for them, their family, and their future. Preparing for a divorce helps them to get ready for what is an emotional and oftentimes painful experience. People should be able to make well thought-out decisions rather than rash decisions driven by their tumultuous emotions in order to create a financially and emotionally secure future for themselves and their family after the divorce. So what steps can a person take to prepare for a divorce? The following steps are highly recommended if you feel that you cannot reconcile with our spouse and a divorce is imminent:

Create a Checklist

  • Make a copy of all financial documents.
  • Catch up on all dental and medical issues.
  • Review all your financial, email, and social media accounts and update your passwords.
  • Review your recent credit report.
  • Create a budget to get you through this phase of your life.
  • Create a private email account or open a post office box.
  • Remove meaningful or precious items from your home.
  • Learn how to communicate with your attorney.
  • Learn how to communicate with your spouse and your children.
  • Learn court terminology.
  • Learn the difference between equal and equitable.

Take Your Time with The Divorce

If you have cause to be hesitant in getting a divorce, you should take your time to explore other options such as meeting with a marriage counselor. It is never advisable to rush into a divorce without taking the time to process your thoughts and feelings coherently. Think it through thoroughly and make sure that you are certain in whatever you decide

Learn About The Divorce process In Your State

It is a well-known fact that divorce is a legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other regulatory authority however most of us do not know that there are different ways to get divorced and that there are different types of divorce. It is imperative that you do due research on this matter in order to discover what your options are. This can save you time, money, and a good deal of anxiety further on in the process. The different ways to get divorced are:

  • do it yourself,
  • mediation,
  • collaborative,

Furthermore a divorce can be contested or uncontested.

Divorce is a costly process and if you need to litigate your divorce the cost can exceed your expectations in a hurry. The more you give in to emotions like fear, anger, and hurt, the more likely you are to spend an excessive amount of money. Therefore it is imperative that you prepare for your impending divorce by doing due research, having tough conversations with your spouse and knowing what to expect when the case goes to court. Divorce is a long and hard road which ultimately leads you into a new and unexplored phase of your life. Have support systems in place, take care of yourself financially and emotionally and above all keep the best interests of your children in mind. Being knowledgeable about the process dissipates the feelings of pain and anger and leads to clear and confident decisions that secure a better future for yourself and your family.

If you are involved in a high asset divorce where division of assets is at stake you need to retain the services of a competent and experienced family law attorney to help you navigate the process.

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Michael Ziegler Managing Partner
Michael Ziegler is the managing partner of Ziegler Diamond Law, serving consumers throughout Florida. With a focus on consumer protection, Michael helps clients navigate bankruptcy, defend against debt collection lawsuits, and address credit reporting errors. Known for his strategic approach and dedication to empowering individuals to regain financial control, Michael also chairs the Clearwater Bar Association's Small Firm section. Outside the office, he enjoys camping with his family and pursuing real estate ventures.

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About the Author

Michael Ziegler is the managing partner of Ziegler Diamond Law, serving consumers throughout Florida. With a focus on consumer protection, Michael helps clients navigate bankruptcy, defend against debt collection lawsuits, and address credit reporting errors. Known for his strategic approach and dedication to empowering individuals to regain financial control, Michael also chairs the Clearwater Bar Association's Small Firm section. Outside the office, he enjoys camping with his family and pursuing real estate ventures.