
Category: Foreclosure Defense

Stop Foreclosure – How Debt Litigation Can Help You Recover
April 13, 2016

The debt continues to build, and without resolution it can become overwhelming. Having a history of debt can ruin your life.

Can I Keep My House If I File Bankruptcy?
March 2, 2016

An experienced bankruptcy lawyer can provide more guidance to you about the most appropriate steps to take. Call Us: (727) 538-4188.

Home Loan Modification
February 23, 2016

Struggling to pay your monthly mortgage may have you considering a home loan modification. Modifying your mortgage can help reduce your monthly payments.

Help for Foreclosure
February 5, 2016

Foreclosure is when mortgage payments are no longer being made, and so the lender forces the sale of a home. Call Us: (727) 538-4188.

Foreclosure and Credit Scores: What Will My Future Look Like?
October 29, 2014

Each time you apply for credit, the lender will consult this number. The higher the score, the less of a risk you are to the creditor.

How To Avoid Foreclosure During Divorce
August 12, 2014

To avoid losing their home to foreclosure, spouses should consider the following options. Call Now For a Free Case Evaluation Clearwater: (727) 538-4188.

Loan Modification 101: Don’t Lose Your Home
June 20, 2014

The Florida real estate market is starting to show some signs of stability. However, not everyone is out of the woods. Call Us: (727) 538-4188.