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Workplace Accidents: What should I do if I am injured at work?

Millions of workplace accidents happen every year from the office to the construction site. If you’ve suffered a work-related injury, it’s in your best interest to know your state’s (in this case, Florida) workers’ compensation process, requirements, and the benefits to which injured workers are entitled. Depending on the facts of your case, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits available to injured employees. Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about workplace injuries and workers comp claims. What is a Workers’ Compensation Claim? A successful workers’ compensation claim provides injured workers with compensation (i.e., workers’ compensation… Read More

How to wipe out medical debt?

An estimated 41% of Americans have some form of unpaid medical debt. Further, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) reported there was $88 billion in medical debt on the credit records of consumers. However, a recent study from Stanford University suggests that it might be much worse (at least $140 billion). With that in mind, millions of U.S. citizens face medical collections activities and negative information on their credit reports due to an inability to pay medical bills. At Ziegler Diamond Law, our debt relief lawyers understand the devastating financial impact a medical bill could have on your credit score,… Read More

Can I Keep My Disability Payments if I Declare Bankruptcy in Florida?

If you are considering filing for bankruptcy and are receiving disability benefits, no doubt one of your biggest questions is whether or not your disability payments will be protected. Normally, you will be able to keep them. They will be protected from the bankruptcy trustee, but all are not treated the same. There are basically three types of disability benefits: Social Security Veterans Private The Three Categories In a Chapter 7 dissolution bankruptcy, assets that are not exempt may be sold by the bankruptcy trustee for the sake of creditors. In a Chapter 13 reorganization bankruptcy, the trustee cannot sell… Read More

Who Is This Stranger Harassing You for Old Debts? Probably a Junk Debt Buyer

Have you been getting debt collection letters and phone calls from an organization you don’t recognize? Chances are your debt may have been sold to a junk debt buyer. There was a time when a company might just give up on collecting debts, particularly small ones, if they couldn’t collect them easily. These days, if a company cannot collect a debt, they often just sell it to a junk debt buyer for pennies on the dollar. At some point, many companies today would like to get a little money rather than expend resources pursuing a hard-to-collect debt. As an added… Read More

Debt Collection Practices Regulation – Regulation F

Debt collection laws don’t usually get a whole lot of buzz, but as I’m sure you’ve seen on social media and through your local news outlets there’s a new debt collection law called Regulation F that went into effect on November 30th, 2021 that’s really caused a buzz. Now yes it’s true, Regulation F did expand some ways that debt collectors can communicate with you, but it’s important to remember two things: Collectors always have to abide by consumer protection laws. Regulation F also expanded some consumer protections. So bad news first! Let’s review the ways that Regulation F broadened… Read More

Can I Rent an Apartment After Filing for Bankruptcy?

If you are thinking of filing for a consumer Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you probably have a lot of questions. One of the most important for many people is whether or not they will be able to rent an apartment after filing for bankruptcy. The reality is that it is often (though not always) more difficult to rent after bankruptcy. After all, the bankruptcy may stay on your credit report for seven to 10 years. But it is certainly not impossible and in some cases may even be easier than it would have been before your bankruptcy. This is because you… Read More

Don’t Let a Florida Lookback Period Mistake Derail Your Bankruptcy

If you are considering either a Chapter 7 (liquidation) bankruptcy or a Chapter 13 (restructuring) bankruptcy, you should be aware of the impact of lookback periods. Bankruptcies are federal actions but they are governed by both federal and state law. A bankruptcy lookback period in Florida is no different. A lookback period is a range of time in which the bankruptcy court or trustee can look back over your finances and transactions in order to make decisions that will impact your bankruptcy. They vary in time according to the situation and factors involved. If you performed a transaction that is… Read More

What’s the Florida Debt Statute of Limitations? Know the Twists and Turns

Debt, or at least liability to pay it off, does not necessarily last forever. In Florida, for everything except debt involving real estate, the statute of limitation for debt is generally five years for debts with a written agreement. Credit card debt for example has a five-year Florida debt statute of limitations. So does medical debt. That means that after five years, if certain things do not happen to keep a debt alive, a creditor may no longer sue you for payment. The Florida statute of limitations for debt is shorter than that of many other states, where you may… Read More

Are You Being Sued by TD Auto Finance in Florida?

Are you being sued by TD Auto Finance? Are you afraid you will be soon? Keep reading. A Little Background TD Auto Finance is an indirect auto financing company that finances cars through car dealerships. They are actually a subsidiary of TD Bank, which is one of the 10 biggest banks in the United States.  TD Bank has branches throughout Florida, various other states and Canada. TD Auto Finance and TD Bank are members of TD Bank Group. TD Bank Group is quite a big outfit with over $900 billion in assets. They have more than 83,000 employees worldwide. The… Read More

Bankruptcy, 401k and You: How Bankruptcy May Affect Your 401k Retirement Savings

One of the primary concerns most individuals have about declaring bankruptcy is what they could lose.  Often clients ask if their 401k’s will go to creditors if they declare bankruptcy. If you live in Florida, your 401k is protected in two different ways. In fact, if you file for either Chapter 7 (a dissolution) or Chapter 13 bankruptcy (a reorganization), in most cases your retirement plan money will be safe from your creditors. Individual Bankruptcy Background Before we get into whether or not you can declare bankruptcy and still keep your 401k, let’s review the basics. When you declare bankruptcy,… Read More