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Budget Tips to Help with Holiday Spending

Your finances can take a serious hit around the holidays. If you’re already considering contacting a bankruptcy attorney in Florida.

Why Doesn’t the Do Not Call List Stop Robocallers?

Messages that are informational are also legal. You can receive a robocall reminding you of an appointment, or informing you that school is delayed.

Common Holiday Scams and How to Spot Them

Some of the most common Holiday robocall scams and how to spot them. Call Now For a Free Case Evaluation Clearwater: (727) 538-4188.

Student Loan Changes that Help Borrowers

According to Attorney Mike Ziegler, so it makes sense that big changes are in order. Here are some recent student loan changes that will help borrowers.

Chapter 13 Trustees

When considering bankruptcy, filing for Chapter 13 in Florida is a viable option for those who are overwhelmed by financial strain.

Understanding Common Credit Card Fees

Credit cards have fees for using their credit, and there are some fees that are commonly found in credit cards. Call Us: (727) 538-4188.

Apps to Help You Organize Your Finances

Here are some of the best apps, recommended by modification attorneys in Tampa, that are available to help you organize your finances.

Preparing For Bankruptcy Tips

You can begin to monitor your credit score easily after bankruptcy, if you are aware of your debts beforehand. Call us: (727) 538-4188.

What Your Credit Score Means?

We’ve all heard about the daunting measurement of responsibility- the credit score. Call Now For a Free Case Evaluation Clearwater: (727) 538-4188.

How to Prepare for Temporary Unemployment in Florida?

Being out of work is one of the main reasons people go into debt in America, according to our debt collection defense attorney in Florida.