Why You Need a Tampa Foreclosure Lawyer on Your Side!
Tampa Foreclosure Lawyer Michael “Mike” Ziegler is an experienced attorney serving the Tampa Bay area.
He can help you navigate the process and possibly develop a legal strategy to save your home. Mr. Ziegler – who is well-versed in Florida foreclosure law – can help you explore the legal options that may be available to you as a Florida homeowner who is being threatened with foreclosure.
Though you might be tempted to bury your head in the sand, or believe that you have no choice but to simply stand by helplessly as your house is sold, in truth, hiring a foreclosure attorney like Mr. Ziegler can be a vastly better option.
Receiving advice from a knowledgeable foreclosure defense lawyer will allow you to make informed, proactive decisions that can minimize any long-term financial damage.
As a local foreclosure attorney who is dedicated to helping his clients identify the best solutions possible, Mr. Ziegler can evaluate your personal circumstances and recommend a legal course of action designed to achieve an optimal outcome.
If you are facing foreclosure in the Tampa Bay area, your options may include:
- Foreclosure defense – Foreclosure is a type of lawsuit, and in Florida, a creditor bears the burden of showing that it has a legal right to foreclose on your home. A foreclosure attorney can zealously protect your interests by analyzing and raising defenses to a creditor’s claims, as well as possible counterclaims, on your behalf.
- Loan modification – If you’re struggling to pay your mortgage because of an unforeseen financial hardship, your mortgage lender may be willing to modify the terms of your original loan. An attorney can work with your lender to explore possible alternatives to foreclosure.
- Bankruptcy – Filing for bankruptcy will automatically halt the foreclosure process until the bankruptcy case is over, and also may help you keep your home. As an experienced foreclosure attorney, Mr. Ziegler has helped many people file for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.
Contact the Law Office of Michael A. Ziegler, P.L., in Tampa, FL, today to schedule a consultation to speak one-on-one with a local foreclosure attorney about your legal rights and options.