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Loan Modification Attorney

Loan Application FormOur Loan Modification Attorneys at The Law Office of Michael A. Ziegler, PL have helped many of our fellow Florida community members, and we might be able to help your family too. If your home is at risk for foreclosure, it’s important to consider legal counsel by hiring an attorney. We may be able to intervene in the process and help you to save your home and provide you with the opportunity to get back on your feet.

The Law Office of Michael A. Ziegler, PL offers free consultations either in-person, or you can speak to us by phone. You may qualify for the mortgage relief services we offer at a reasonable rate.

Avoid Foreclosure

When a homeowner is behind on their mortgage payments, the lender may be too quick to threaten the homeowner with foreclosure. It may not even be to their financial benefit. With our Loan Modification Attorneys by your side, you can take steps to successfully resolve your struggle. After a review of your circumstances, your loss mitigation attorney in Tampa can determine which approach may be best for you:

  • Modify the terms of your loan. Mortgage lenders are required to provide alternatives to foreclosure to borrowers. A loan modification can allow the borrower to keep their home as they work toward catching up on their payments to the lender.
  • File a lawsuit. Your lawsuit can claim your lender practiced predatory mortgage lending. Your Attorney for Loan Modification can let you know if this option has recently been approved for residents of Florida. 

Common Reasons for Late Mortgage Payments

Many economic experts agree that most people are only one or two paychecks away from bankruptcy. If the unexpected happens, or something occurs that is out of your control, you may find yourself behind in your payments. It’s not unusual for a mortgage lender to initiate foreclosure action after the homeowner is only a few months in arrears.

This is why the threat of a foreclosure is a common problem our Loan Modification Attorneys know all too well. Here are some of the reasons why so many homeowners struggle to make their payments in full and on time:

  • An unexpected and debilitating illness or injury causes someone to miss work and as a result, does not earn sufficient income to make the mortgage payments.
  • The aftermath of a divorce or separation causes financial havoc and confusion when the two move apart, double their housing costs, and make similar financial adjustments without enjoying an increase in income.
  • The loss of a job can also wreak havoc when it comes to meeting financial demands such as mortgage payments.

Our duties as Clearwater Loan Modification Attorneys can be some of the most frustrating, yet rewarding. Frustration results from unfair treatment exerted on consumers. However, the experience is also very rewarding for the consumer because legal involvement often makes the process more efficient and fruitful.

General Information:

Struggles of the Average Consumer
At The Law Office of Michael A. Ziegler, PL we get more horror stories from consumers requesting loan modifications than in any other situation. We have had clients who have been trying to obtain a modification for months – and in some cases, years. Every time they send in paperwork, the lender will tell them that a document is lost or it is expired. We have other clients who were induced to intentionally fall behind on their payments in order to qualify for a modification – and then were declined.

Legal Intervention
Loan modification requests can be tricky. There are a number of different programs under which servicers will process a loan modification. Generally, there is no way of knowing which program(s) a particular loan will qualify for until some investigation has been done by a Loan Modification Attorney from Clearwater.

Even when you know which program the lender will process the loan modification through the paperwork process can be grueling. A clearwater TCPA law attorney can help you obtain the necessary forms and documents to ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible.

Professional Assistance on Your Behalf
In addition to dealing with smaller lenders, we have also processed numerous modification requests through large lenders such as Bank of America and Wells Fargo. We have obtained numerous beneficial results that have allowed our clients to stay in their home, paying a fraction of their original payment.

If you think your case would benefit from the assistance of a loan modification lawyer from Clearwater, contact an Attorney for Loan Modification today for a free consultation. We can meet with you during a time that is convenient for your schedule.

Fill out the form to the right or give us a call at (727) 538-4188. You might find the only thing standing between you and financial stability is the absence of a Loan Modification Attorney from The Law Office of Michael A. Ziegler, PL!

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