When you are facing too much debt, and you don’t see any way out of it, call a liquidation lawyer in Clearwater, Florida from Ziegler Diamond Law: Debt Fighters
Have you reached a point in which you are unable to pay off your hospital bills or credit card debt? Do you find yourself feeling faced with financial obligations that you simply cannot pay? Perhaps you are asking yourself things like:
- How can I resolve my debt?
- Is filing for bankruptcy a good option?
- Should I ask a liquidation lawyer in Clearwater, Florida about liquidating my assets?
These are all good questions, and they can be answered by a leading bankruptcy lawyer Clearwater, FL has to offer. Call Ziegler Diamond Law: Debt Fighters, to schedule a consultation now.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
When you are unable to pay your debt, filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be the best way to get ahead. As a liquidation lawyer in Clearwater, Florida might explain to you, this form of bankruptcy will allow you discharge most of your unsecured debts, such as hospital bills, lawsuit judgements, credit card bills, and so forth. Before your debt is relieved, you will need to liquidate some of your assets. A liquidation lawyer in Clearwater, Florida can explain to you what assets must be liquidated and what can be kept.
Under Florida law, to qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you must pass a means test. If your current monthly income is less than the median income under these laws, you will likely be able to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If your income is greater than the adjusted median income, it may be possible to rework some expenses to deduct them from your income, and then file for Chapter 7. At Ziegler Diamond Law: Debt Fighters, we have helped thousands of people to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, including those who were told it would not be possible. That said, some people will make too much money to qualify. If this should be true, Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be an option.
Debts That Cannot Be Discharged
When you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, some debts will not be discharged. These include:
- Child support
- Federal taxes
- Property taxes
- Debts secured by property
If you are concerned about these debts, a liquidation lawyer in Clearwater, Florida can discuss with you reaffirmation agreement options. If this is available, you may be able to keep your assets; however, that will be up to a judges’ decision.
Benefits of Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
There are many taboos surrounding chapter 7 bankruptcy; however, for many people, once they made the decision to file, they were able to turn their life around for the better. In addition to relieving you of your unsecured debt, you may put a stop to:
- A foreclosure on your home
- Home eviction
- Garnishment of your wages
- Repossession of your vehicle
- Creditor harassment
- Lawsuits from creditors
If you are ready to take the first step towards financial relief, call a liquidation lawyer in Clearwater, Florida today. We will listen to your situation and help you to understand your debt relief options.