As a successful bankruptcy law firm, the Law Office of Michael A. Ziegler, P.L. is dedicated to helping our clients re-establish financial stability, and regain control of their lives. We also understand how difficult in this day an age, with the rising cost of higher education, increase in mortgage rates, and decrease in economic opportunity, to successfully establish a financial plan that will help young people excel in the current economic climate. And we believe the first step is education. That is why the Law Office of Michael A. Ziegler, P.L. is proud to announce the $1000 Financial Planning Scholarship, to be awarded to the student that best exemplifies a conscientious financial planner.
Eligibility Criteria
- This scholarship is available to students who are currently enrolled in an accredited undergraduate program in the United States. This includes accredited community college students as well as high school seniors and students who possess a GED who have been accepted to or are enrolled in an accredited program.
- The scholarship applicant must be interested in a career in the legal field.
- All eligible candidates must be in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 or above.
Essay Prompt & Questions
Respond to the following in an essay of 1,000 words or less:
- Describe a time in your life that shaped your focus on financial planning, why is this something that is important to you?
- Describe in a general sense your financial game plan for your collegiate and post collegiate years. What are your goals and how do you intend to achieve them.
Application Materials
- Updated resume
- Essay, 1,000 word maximum. See essay questions above.
- Current unofficial transcript
Submission Deadline: December 15th, 2020
All application materials must be submitted by this date
Award Announcement: January 2021
Scholarship Amount: $1000
Application Instructions
Scholarship applicants must submit all application materials (see above) by email to: