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If you are in a crash with a large commercial truck, you are far more likely to be injured or killed than if you crash with another car. Crashing with an 80,000 lb. semi-truck vs. a 4,000 lb. car is bound to cause more damage.

Every year there are about 32,000 large truck accidents in Florida. Because of the commercial nature of these vehicles, getting your just compensation for your injuries or for a wrongful death can be complex. As soon as you are able, you will want to contact the best Tampa truck accident lawyer you can find or a truck accident attorney in your area.

Donā€™t wait until you are in a truck accident. Keep reading to discover what you need to know.

Who Usually Gets Hurt in a Large Truck Accident?

Itā€™s probably no surprise that when a truck accident happens, 71% of those killed are in the other car. Florida ranks third in the nation for number of people killed in large truck accidents who were occupants of the other vehicle. The latest number available show Florida at 241 deaths following Texas at 433 and California at 287.

Why Are Large Truck Accidents Increasing in Central Florida?

Alarmingly, there has been a 36% increase in fatalities from large truck accidents in Florida since 2010. Injuries have increases by 96%.

Though there was a drop in truck crashes at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, now that Florida has reopened, truck accidents are on the rise. T

his is due to a lot of people moving here from other areas but also because of the quickly growing logistics and warehousing industry in central Florida. But even as traffic increases, the size of the highways that intersect Central Florida including Tampa are no bigger than they were years ago.

Causes of Truck Accidents in Florida

When we are out in our cars, we are often in close proximity to lcommercial vehicles like 18-wheelers, big rigs, tractor-trailers and semi-trucks.

There are many different causes for accidents with these large trucks. Although alcohol is sometimes a factor, thatā€™s far less likely than in a crash with other types of vehicles.

According to a study by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)

  • Driver error was to blame for for 92% of large truck crashes.
  • Vehicle defects accounted for 3%.
  • Road conditions also accounted for 3%.

Beware After a Truck Accident

If you are in a truck accident in Florida, the driver will call their company. If possible, the trucking company will send a representative immediately to the scene of the accident.

Should this happen, give them or the driver) (no information beyond your name and your insurance information. Do not apologize to anybody. The representative may try to trick you into admitting fault. They may also try to trick you into agreeing to some kind of quick settlement that is against your interests.

Do not fall for their tricks. Donā€™t talk with them. Get medical treatment and then call a good Tampa truck accident lawyer.

Who Is Liable for a Truck Accident in Florida?

If you are involved in an accident with a large truck in Florida, you may be able to sue both the trucking company and the driver.

Or course, if you were given substandard medical care after the accident, you may also be able to sue the provider for medical malpractice also.

A lawsuit involving a commercial vehicle is much more complex than one involving an individual driving a car. The trucking industry is heavily regulated, and those regulations could come into play.

Consult with a good Tampa truck accident lawyer to determine your best course of action.

What Damages Can I Collect?

If you are injured in a truck accident in Florida, you can collect for a number of different types of damages. These are the same as for any personal injury claim and include both present and future medical bills, loss of earning power, pain and suffering and more.

Check a more complete list of the losses for which you may be compensated.

How Can I Win a Florida Truck Accident Lawsuit?

Before you can collect damages for a truck accident in Florida or any kind of personal injury case, you will need to establish certain things under the law.

Even if you are partially at fault, if the truck driver or trucking company was more at fault, you may still be able to collect.

In a nutshell you will need to show that

  • The truck driver and/or trucking company had a duty of care.
  • They breached that duty of care
  • You suffered damages as a result of that breach

Itā€™s important that you gather evidence from the time of the accident and not just try to throw it all together right before filing a case.

For example:

  • If you are able, take photos at the scene of the accident.
  • See a doctor immediately
  • Keep close track of all medical expenses

Call a good Tampa truck accident lawyer right away. They will guide you about exactly what you need to do to prepare for your case.

Donā€™t Miss the Florida Statute of Limitations

Florida gives you a specified period of time to prepare and file your case for injury, property damage or wrongful death in a truck accident in Florida.

Under Florida Statutes section 95.11(3)(a), you have four years from the date of the accident. Check that time with your lawyer.

That may seem like a long time, but remember, your Tampa truck accident attorney must be gathering evidence and speaking with experts during this time period.

Also be aware you only have 10 days to file a vehicle accident report with the police. However, if the police actually came to the scene of your accident (and itā€™s likely they didĀ  if it involved a large commercial truck), they will file the report.

Call Us for a Free Consultation

If you or a family member has suffered injury, property damage even death in a truck accident in Florida, call the experienced Tampa truck accident lawyers at Ziegler Diamond Law for a free consultation as soon as you can. Donā€™t wait and risk losing your rights.

We will evaluate your case and discuss your options with you.

In addition to Tampa, we also have offices in Clearwater and Mt. Dora.

Fill out and submit this form. Or just call us directly at (727) 538-4188 in Clearwater, (813) 225-3111 in Tampa or (352) 600-1326 in Mt. Dora.
