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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Law Firm Tampa, FL

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Law Firm Tampa, FL

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Law Firm Tampa, FLBankruptcy can eliminate the majority of your unsecured debts and give you a financial fresh start. However, it can hurt your credit score in the process. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy in the near future, it is important to understand how it could affect your credit. An attorney from a Chapter 7 bankruptcy law firm in Tampa, Florida can help.

If You Don’t Have Negative Information on Your Credit Report Beforehand, You Will Have a Higher Credit Score After Bankruptcy

This is not true. Even if you had a very high credit score with few negative remarks before filing for bankruptcy, it won’t minimize the impact of bankruptcy. Those with high credit scores may be affected just as much as those who had lower scores, to begin with.

All Bankruptcy Debts Will Be Wiped Off from Your Credit Report

Although bankruptcy may get rid of past debts, those accounts won’t disappear from your credit report. Bankruptcy related accounts will stay on your credit report and impact your credit rating for seven to 10 years. However, their impact will lessen over time.

You Can’t Obtain a Credit Card or Loan After Bankruptcy

It is true that it will be more difficult for you to get approved for some credit cards and loans after bankruptcy. However, it is still possible. Experts recommend for people who have filed bankruptcy to apply for secured credit cards, which require an upfront security deposit. They can help you rebuild your credit and make it easier to obtain other credit in the future.

Bankruptcy Will Ruin Your Credit Forever

Attorneys at a Chapter 7 bankruptcy law firm in Tampa FL know that many people may be reluctant to file for bankruptcy because they believe it will ruin their credit for the rest of their lives. While your credit rating will take an initial hit, it will not last forever. Bankruptcy can only stay on your credit report for up to 10 years and you can increase your credit score even before that. Remember to pay all your bills on time, make more than the minimum payments on your credit cards and do not spend more than you can afford.

Contacting a Tampa FL Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Law Firm

If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, you should speak to an experienced Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer Tampa, FL offers as soon as possible. Bankruptcy is a complicated process, so you don’t want to handle it on your own. A bankruptcy lawyer can review your case and determine if you’re a good candidate or not for bankruptcy.

To find out how our Chapter 7 bankruptcy law firm Tampa, FL clients recommend can help, call  The Law Office of Michael A. Ziegler, PL today.