What is considered acceptable contact regarding student loan debt collection efforts? Attorney Michael Ziegler explains that even though student loan debt collectors may have some additional protections under the law as it relates to the student loans, that doesn’t mean that they have total carte blanche to be able to do whatever they want.
There is still a lot of laws that regulate student loan collection. Just like any other debt collection, that provides basic levels of decency. A student loan collector cannot use nasty language. They cannot call you with an unacceptable amount of frequency and they cannot continue to call you generally if you told them to discontinue calls to your cell phone. In general, they have to be professional in the way that they communicate.
There are regulations that restrict how often a student loan company can contact an individual. Those regulations aren’t hard and vast and they don’t have specific numbers, but generally, if a student lender is consistently calling a consumer multiple times a day to collect on a debt, then that often will be over the allowable threshold.
Harassment can be subjective. In general, if they are saying nasty things to you, if they are talking to third parties or your employer about your student loan debt, or if they are calling you with the high degree of frequency, all of that conduct, is going to be considered harassing and a violation of collection laws.
Contact attorney Michael Ziegler in Florida for a free case evaluation today. He founded his law firm on the principles of professional quality and personal care.