

What Is An Automatic Stay In Bankruptcy?
April 14, 2014

A recent Tampa Bay Times article reports on a Palm Harbor couple who has filed for bankruptcy a stunning 14 times between 2002 and 2013.

7 Ways to Stop Harassment from Debt Collectors
March 21, 2014

Most debt collectors have you on an automated dialing list, so if you send them either a fax or other written document. Call Us: (727) 538-4188

Capital One Debt Collection…Might Come Knocking on Your Door
February 23, 2014

Just about every modern credit card comes with a cardholder agreement that is the size of a short novel. Call Us: (727) 538-4188.

FCCPA Claim not Compulsory Counterclaim to Foreclosure
September 12, 2013

the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”), and held that debt collection violations that occur during a foreclosure case.