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Searching for a Bankruptcy Attorney

Bankruptcy Lawyer Clearwater, FLAre you considering the services of a bankruptcy lawyer in Clearwater, FL? If you are in the process of pursuing bankruptcy proceedings, chances are you have been struggling with your finances for quite some time. Knowing the options that are best based on your situation can be incredibly difficult for someone who is unfamiliar with bankruptcy law. With so many options, finding an attorney may be overwhelming. It’s important that debtors don’t just choose the first name they find from a simple online search. By taking the time to properly search for an attorney, you can ensure that you find an attorney who is the right fit for you.

Why is it important that I have a bankruptcy attorney?

Struggling with finances can leave a debtor to face the unknown. It can be scary to consider the idea that you have completely over extended yourself. Not only can this create a sense of shame, but it can also leave you worried over what is to come. A bankruptcy lawyer in Clearwater, FL from the Law Office of Michael A. Ziegler, P.L. can play a key role in that they can help you make decisions regarding how best to face bankruptcy proceedings. They can help:

  • Determine which chapter to file
  • Gather the proper paperwork and ensure that it is accurately completed
  • Review your finances and provide you with options
  • Help decipher exemptions
  • Represent you in the creditors meeting
  • See your case through to the end

Although it’s important to shop around for an attorney, you shouldn’t choose just any attorney. Take the time to carefully research attorneys, interview them and weigh your options.

Should I meet with a bankruptcy attorney first?

After reviewing an attorney’s website, it’s important that you meet with the prospective bankruptcy lawyer in Clearwater, FL prior to retaining their services. Regardless of whether their website appears reputable or someone referred them to you, meeting with a prospective attorney can be an invaluable experience. During this meeting, you should take the time to ask questions of the attorney’s resume, experience, and track record. Ask what they would recommend for your case. In addition to questions, assess their personality and work style to determine if they are someone who feels like a match for you.

What should I prepare for my first appointment with a bankruptcy attorney?

If you’re determining if bankruptcy is the right option for you, you surely will want to meet with a bankruptcy attorney for their guidance. You only have limited time with attorneys. Because of this, it’s important that you are prepared for your first consultation. Put together a list of questions you would like to ask a prospective attorney. This can help to ensure that you don’t forget to ask for key pieces of information. Gather all relevant financial paperwork for a prospective bankruptcy lawyer in Clearwater, FL to review.

How will I pay for a bankruptcy attorney?

If you are struggling with money and considering bankruptcy, one of the first questions on your mind is likely to be how much the bankruptcy will cost. For some expenses such as filing fees and the cost for credit counseling, you may have the option to waive the expense due to financial hardship. When faced with Chapter 7, you will probably be required to pay your attorney’s fee upfront. If you choose to pursue Chapter 13, filing fees and attorney’s fees may be rolled into your repayment plan.

Bankruptcy is a serious decision. While no one wants to reach the point where filing for bankruptcy is their only option, it can surprisingly provide those suffering with serious relief. Having a bankruptcy lawyer in Clearwater, FL is the most viable option in that it provides debtors with key support and guidance when making decisions regarding bankruptcy. Take the time to find a bankruptcy attorney that has experience to help represent you in your case. Call the Law Office of Michael A. Ziegler, P.L. for more information, today.