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Bankruptcy Fraud Lawyer Clearwater, Florida

Bankruptcy Fraud Lawyer Clearwater, FloridaOur bankruptcy fraud lawyer Clearwater, Florida residents depend on knows that experiencing accusations of bankruptcy fraud can be incredibly challenging. When you file for bankruptcy, there will be many stringent rules that will need to be filed. In some cases, you may be completely unsure of what bankruptcy fraud is or why you might be facing such allegations. In Clearwater, Florida, when searching for a bankruptcy fraud lawyer, you need to contact Ziegler Diamond Law: Debt Fighters For help in managing your case—choose our team today. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our team. Let us help you get started. 

What is Bankruptcy Fraud?

Bankruptcy fraud is a serious allegation. Unfortunately, bankruptcy fraud is far more common than you might think. When filing for bankruptcy, you are expected to list all of your assets. Falsifying information during the bankruptcy process is fraudulent and occurs when someone attempts to conceal assets from creditors. Our Clearwater, Florida bankruptcy fraud lawyers share that hiding assets in efforts to retain them can have serious consequences. While concealing assets is the most common type of bankruptcy fraud, many other actions could be considered fraudulent during the bankruptcy process:

  • Secretly transferring property, assets or wealth in efforts to hide them
  • Not listing all assets to prevent their sale
  • Making false statements during the meeting with the creditors
  • Misrepresenting income on a credit application
  • Having no intention of paying back debts
  • Purchase of luxury goods during the bankruptcy process

These types of bankruptcy fraud are taken seriously, but our lawyer can help Clearwater, Florida residents, face such charges. You need a legal team who will stand behind you to weather the storm. You need Ziegler Diamond Law: Debt Fighters 

Managing Your Bankruptcy Fraud Case

Bankruptcy fraud can be serious and can even result in consequences that can impact you for far longer than the impact a bankruptcy filing can have on your credit score. A conviction can result in jail time, exorbitant fines, and more. With so much riding on a possible conviction, our bankruptcy lawyer in Clearwater, FL, can help to keep your interests first. We have not only an understanding of bankruptcy fraud but experience in managing bankruptcy fraud cases. Let Ziegler Diamond Law: Debt Fighters help you face serious allegations. From our lawyer, you can expect: 

  • A lawyer with experience in managing bankruptcy cases
  • A lawyer who will put you and your case first
  • A lawyer who will provide you with answers to the many questions you have
  • A lawyer who will put all of their resources towards your case
  • A lawyer who will be available to you when you need them
  • A lawyer who will listen to your needs and help strategize the best way to move forward

Our Clearwater, Florida bankruptcy fraud lawyer knows that this can be an incredibly challenging time. With so much riding on the outcome of your case, you deserve our help. Call Ziegler Diamond Law: Debt Fighters, to get started. 

Get Started With Us!

The consequences of bankruptcy fraud can be incredibly intense. Because of this, you deserve to put your best foot forward with Ziegler Diamond Law: Debt Fighters If you are being accused of misinformation or incorrectly completing paperwork during the bankruptcy process, you could be facing severe consequences. In some cases, you may have even committed fraud without even knowing it. When facing potential allegations, you need a Clearwater, Florida bankruptcy fraud lawyer in your corner.