Apps to Help You Organize Your Finances

October 24, 2016

Saving money is fun when you start to see it accumulate. With today’s technology, organizing your finances can be as easy as downloading the latest app. Who needs an accountant with these great financial app (recommended by a debt litigation attorney) to help you save money? These days there is an app for everything. You can basically run the world (or at least your household) right from your phone! Here are some of the best apps, recommended by modification attorneys in Tampa, that are available to help you organize your finances.

Debt Litigation Attorney Recommends These Financial Apps


This app turns your spare change into an investment! If you’re just getting started in building a portfolio, this app is a great way to get your feet wet. It recommends and designs an Investment Portfolio for you and uses your spare change to make the investment. Think of it as a savings account but with stock options. This app won’t get you rich overnight, but it will slowly invest your funds into the stock market and help you begin your portfolio.

Clarity Money

If you always wished you had a personal financial assistant to look over your spending habits, look no further than clarity money. This app looks over your expenses, cancels unnecessary magazine subscriptions, helps you lower your bills, and even looks for better options when it comes to credit cards. You can even set up savings account for specific reasons, like going on vacation or buying a car.

Half Dollar

This app is for those who just want a simple picture of their money that is coming in and out, without all the fancy capabilities of other budget apps. It allows you to enter all sources of income, and keeps track of your expenses so that you get a clear monthly picture of your finances. This can help you make necessary adjustments and improve your financial lifestyle.


Think of this app as your financial vision board. You get to choose a savings goal and even add pictures for daily inspiration for meeting your goal. It even has a community element which will show you what other people are saving for to make the experience fun and collaborative! In addition, the app offers tips and insights to get you inspired and show you the best ways to save.


Mint helps you track your finances in multiple ways. It keeps track of your spending, organizes your bills, and lets you set money goals. It’s a great way to inspire saving. You can even link it to all of your accounts so you have a full understanding of your finances. You can set yourself limits for certain types of spending, and Mint will let you know when you start to come close to breaking your limits.

In addition, people will get tips periodically for money management.


This app is specifically designed for those who want to get out of debt. Like Mint, you can link all of your accounts, but you can also link your loans and debts as well. When all your information has been entered, this app will create a customized payment plan for you. It will also remind you when your bills are due. You can even sign up for credit monitoring, so you can see how great you’re doing at improving your credit score!

Spending Tracker

Spending Tracker is great for those who simply want to track their spending. You can record your expenses and income for easy viewing. Spending Tracker will also create reports so that you can see in black and white what you are spending. If you want to set a budget, you can even make sure that you stay under your budget each month.


Mvelopes takes a personalized approach. It starts by asking you to answer some simple questions. Then you will sync your bank accounts. It asks you to define your income and will help you create a budget. Mvelopes is great because it is designed to help you think in new ways about financial planning. Therefore, it forces you to think about making a budget based on your income, not your savings.

Saving money for a goal or to get back on track can be an enjoyable and simple experience with the help of these apps. With these apps, financial responsibility is just a touch pad away. Start thinking about getting out of debt and planning for your financial future.

Do you have a great savings app you use? Let us know in the comments!

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Michael Ziegler
Ziegler Diamond Law: Debt Fighters, provides effective legal services to consumers in Clearwater, Florida, and throughout the Tampa Bay area who are facing home foreclosure, unmanageable debts, debt collector harassment, or other debt-related problems.

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